上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 蒲友网 "You’re the only monkey who can make wine?" Let’s go with a drag.

"You’re the only monkey who can make wine?" Let’s go with a drag.

"Wait …" Not far from Zhuang suddenly flashed an idea in my mind.
Leather monkey … Making wine?
Monkey brewing wine?
Monkey wine?
"Dad, I have an idea!"
Not far from Zhuang, an idea flashed in his mind and gradually took shape. After several times, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the idea was feasible
"Dad, what do you think is the most telling wine in our state?"
Du Kang?’
"Zhu Yeqing?"
"It’s not that although these wines are strange, some of them are still not the most telling …" Zhuang not far grinned. "The most strange wine is of course monkey wine!"
There are stories of monkey wine in both strange and old novels and martial arts novels.
It is said that monkeys will pick all kinds of fruits in summer and hide them in tree holes for winter food.
If the food was abundant in those years, or the monkeys moved or forgot these fruits, they would ferment in the tree hole from sour wild fruits to monkey wine with great flavor.
Monkey wine can be said to be the aura of Zhong Tian Di. It is collected by monkeys, moistened by rain and dew, brewed by trees, and when it comes to light again, the forest is full of monkeys and animals, and they are attracted to taste this monkey wine and fight because it is a rare natural creation of heaven and earth …
"It’s just that monkey wine is impure and unsanitary …" Dad Zhuang shook his head and just wanted to veto the suggestion that Zhuang is not far away. "Dad is artistic!"
"Do you think about it, if Dad swears to look for the real monkey wine to reappear? The first Jane in this story has traveled all over Qian Shan and finally met an old ape …" Not far from Zhuang, she stretched out her hand and waved to Miao Ruo, walked to the front of Zhuang, saluted him, and then half-propped up her body and looked at Zhuang with her hands on her chest, waiting for his command.
He rubbed his ears hard behind him, picked up the dropped mobile phone, threw his arms around Zhuang’s thigh.
"Coincidentally, Dad, you saved the life of the old ape, and then the old ape took you to the Woods and uncovered a mud hole to seal it up …"
"Duang, there must be special effects here!" Not far from Zhuang, she made a gesture, "Just like Jasper Monkey, full of wine and fragrance …"
"How strange, artistic and shocking this is!"
Producer Zhao’s eyes lit up at once, brighter than a light bulb!
Feasible! This is feasible!
"This … this is not a lie …" Zhuang dad muttered.
"Dad, art is cheating." Zhuang grinned. "How can it be called art without cheating?"
"So … let’s try?" It was a long time before dad Zhuang hesitated
Well, the last honest man in the manor was finally led astray.
Chapter 43 can do it!
Not far from Zhuang, I discussed with Zhuang’s dad and producer Zhao for a while and then decided on the draft.
The first issue of following Zhuang Dad to make wine is "looking for monkey wine!"
Of course, we have to make up some stories first. For example, when Dad Zhuang was young, he heard his grandfather tell the story of monkey wine. Grandfather said that when he was young, he fled to the mountains and was really hungry in the ice and snow, but he found a tree hole in which the liquid was cool, sweet and full of wine. After drinking it, he finally resisted the cold and supplemented the heat and walked out of the mountains …
Regardless of whether this story is reasonable or not, producer Zhao said that when the story goes back, he will look for a third-rate network writer to polish it to ensure that it can scare people.
Then, the only regret before my grandfather died was that I didn’t taste monkey wine again and said, "That’s really beautiful."
The story is to find some beautiful scenery, famous mountains and rivers, and shoot a group of beautiful pictures.
Here, the two sides have different opinions.
What producer Zhao wants to produce is a variety show, not a documentary about scenery, or a documentary, not a solo show by Zhuang and Dad.
Producer Zhao is still a little ambitious, and the entertainment circle is also a place to look at qualifications and abilities.
What is seniority? Being able to hold a red man is a qualification; With more red people, you have strength and the ability to call the shots.
He wants to make a popular variety show, first find a few first-line or second-line, dead first-line stars, then find a few new people to interact with, bring red programs through the popularity of first-line stars, and then boost the popularity of first-line stars through the program to raise the value of new people …
So it’s hard to hide Zhuang Dad’s light. After all, Zhuang Dad is not a professional artist.
Not far from Zhuang, I hope this program is too entertaining and less. First, it is more real to look for monkey wine, and it can’t be too entertaining and fake.
The two sides argued for a moment and finally gradually reached a consensus.
In the first few minutes of this program, Zhuang’s dad traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers, and a series of fast editing sports cameras and portable photographers explained the background to create a sense of reality.
Then the program group heard the news, hoping to cooperate with Zhuang Dad to supply them with supplies and let them record the process …
Then find a team of six stars to follow Zhuang’s father into the mountains, and there is no one else except the guide and the film crew.
The stars have to follow Zhuang’s father through the mountains and rivers, and hire planes to put supplies on their way every day to help them reduce the trench …
Not far from Zhuang, I still feel dissatisfied with this, especially since the addition of stars will greatly weaken the sense of reality …
And how do you feel that Dad Zhuang has become Mr. Bei?
This is not the effect that Zhuang Yuan wants.
It’s producer Zhao who has to consider ratings, revenue and entertainment experience …
As he spoke, Zhuang was annoyed. "How much do you pay for watching TV, Lao Zhao?"
"Wage or income"
"Er …" producer Zhao wondered, "What do you mean by this?"
"I can double what the virtual city gives you. Do it with me!"
What’s the point of "virtual city TV station half-dead? It’s still hard to make a program. Let’s make our own company and make our own program. When it’s made, we’ll auction it out and sell it to whoever shoots the highest! "
Producer Zhao wants to say that it’s mom’s egg. Will someone buy it? No one will care about it!
But not far from Zhuang, I suddenly jumped up violently when I thought of the industry and value not far from Zhuang.
Although he is a master, he is not a big role in the TV station, and even a role in the entertainment circle.
What’s the point of a half-dead generation
Zhuang is not far away. Is this invitation a great opportunity?
"I … I’ll think about it …" Producer Zhao has already moved his mouth and is still struggling.

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步入《上海乐基广场品茗时光》,首先映入眼帘的是一排排精致的茶具,它们静静地陈列在展示柜中,仿佛在诉说着古老的茶文化。这里汇聚了各种茶叶,从碧螺春、龙井到普洱、大红袍,应有尽有。每一种茶叶都承载着不同的故事,等待着有缘人的品鉴。 品茗区的设计独具匠心,采用了中式古典风格,古色古香的木质家具、红木茶几、精致的陶瓷茶具,营造出一种宁静致远的氛围。在这里,你可以选择一个舒适的角落,放下手中的工作,静心品味一杯清茶,让心灵得到片刻的安宁。 茶艺师们身着传统服饰,手法熟练地泡制着每一杯茶。他们用专业的态度,将茶水的色泽、香气、口感发挥到极致。在他们的精心调制下,一杯杯香气四溢的茶水呈现在眼前,令人陶醉。 品茗时光,不仅仅是品茶,更是一种生活的态度。在这里,你可以约上三五好友,共话家常,或是独自一人,沉浸于茶香之中,体验那份宁静与惬意。茶艺师会根据你的喜好,推荐最适合你的茶品,让你在品茗的过程中,感受茶文化的魅力。 除了品茗,乐基广场品茗时光还定期举办各类茶文化活动,如茶艺表演、茶知识讲座等。这些活动不仅丰富了人们的业余生活,也让更多人了解和喜爱上了茶文化。在这里,你可以与茶艺师们交流心得,共同探讨茶艺的精髓。 值得一提的是,乐基广场品茗时光的茶叶品质上乘,价格合理。无论是作为日常饮用,还是作为礼品赠送,都是极佳的选择。这里的服务态度也让人印象深刻,每一位顾客都会得到细致周到的照顾。 总之,《上海乐基广场品茗时光》是一个让人流连忘返的地方。在这里,你可以尽情享受茶文化的熏陶,体验慢生活的美好。当你疲惫不堪时,不妨来到这里,让心灵得到一次彻底的放松。相信在这里,你一定会找到属于自己的那份宁静与惬意。


“茶馆小黑”位于上海某繁华商圈,因其独特的装修风格、特色茶饮和网红效应,吸引了众多消费者。然而,随着事件的发酵,越来越多的网友曝光了该茶馆存在的问题。首先是虚假宣传,茶馆宣称所售茶饮均采用优质茶叶,但消费者购买后却发现与宣传不符。其次是卫生问题,有网友反映茶馆内部环境脏乱差,服务员操作不规范。此外,还有网友质疑茶馆涉嫌“饥饿营销”,通过限时抢购、限量供应等手段,制造抢购氛围,吸引消费者。 网红经济在近年来蓬勃发展,各种网红店铺、网红产品层出不穷。然而,在这一繁荣背后,也暴露出诸多问题。首先,部分网红商家为了追求利益,不顾产品质量和消费者权益。其次,监管不到位,导致虚假宣传、卫生问题等问题难以得到有效治理。再次,消费者盲目跟风,对网红产品过度信任,容易受到欺骗。 针对上海茶馆网红风波,有关部门应加大监管力度,确保市场秩序。具体措施如下: 1. 强化对网红商家的资质审查,要求其提供真实有效的营业执照、卫生许可证等证件。 2. 加强对网红产品的质量监管,对涉嫌虚假宣传、以次充好等行为进行严厉打击。 3. 提高消费者维权意识,引导消费者理性消费,不盲目追求网红产品。 4. 建立健全网红经济监管机制,加强对网红商家的日常监督,防止问题反复发生。 5. 鼓励消费者积极参与市场监管,对违规行为进行举报,共同维护市场秩序。 总之,上海茶馆网红风波暴露了网红经济背后存在的问题。为了维护市场秩序,有关部门应加强监管,消费者也应提高警惕,理性消费。只有这样,网红经济才能健康发展,为消费者带来更多优质的产品和服务。