Is it reading a novel all night?

Fuck! Other saviors have no time to read novels! If it weren’t for Kurome’s inability to travel far away and alone, it would have to experience 996 and 7.
Forget the stupid cat.
The flow of body life energy is very full. Fang You checked his eyes, and his panel showed a stunned color. "It has gone up so much, and the green secret medicine has indeed doubled."
His previous life energy was 44, and a bottle of energy secret medicine brought him a 5-unit increase.
Of course, this is a fixed increase, and as his strength rises, the proportion of this increase will become more and more inconspicuous, but anyway, it is just a matter of doubling his battery life.
There will soon be a breakthrough in the palm of your hand. Yesterday, Ray started to light a white robe and spoil Kurome.
The epic level of the other savior has been enhanced!
Chapter 53 Expert class ate me a palm thunder!
Fang You glanced at the black knife panel again. Yesterday, before giving himself the secret energy medicine, he also poured a bottle of black knife brother.
At this time, Brother Black Knife’s panel shows "52+5"
Like him, it has gone up by 5 units.
Brother Black Knife has also been greatly enhanced. At the same time, Brother Black Knife’s blade chop has been raised to’ proficiency level of 999%’ at the cost of skill cultivation card-3.
Last night, it was 999%, and today, at about four o’clock in the morning, Brother Black Knife got up to exercise, and the practice was to chop one knife at a time.
Life energy is consumed, and it will continue to be consumed when it is recovered.
Unfortunately, there is still no breakthrough.
Sure enough, it’s not so easy to break through … The idea of saving a green skill training card for the party tour has fallen.
He made a’ skill training card (green)’ for the black knife character and stopped looking at his character panel.
Palm Lei’s proficiency is now’ proficient level 7%’. It takes two hard efforts to complete it, and he just has two left.
Everything is calculated by the savior
Hang two bombs!
Fang You’s chair, eyes, hands and hands, it took a long time to return to absolute being.
"Palm Thunder is proficient (99.9%)"
After a rest, he raised his hand and stabbed and stabbed. Lei Guang took the ultimate distance and extended it for a while. Compared with when he first entered the proficient level, Lei Guang’s convergence speed was also faster
Of course, there is no qualitative change. After all, the proficiency level has not broken through.
Fang You got up and closed the curtains tightly, so he practiced palm thunder. The blue Lei Guang in the living room came out from time to time and then went out again.
That is to say, during the day, you have to be tight, so you don’t dare to practice at night.
I don’t know. I’m still welding at his house
After stabbing for a while, there was no sign of a breakthrough in the palm thunder except that it lasted for a long time. "It’s not so easy."
Fang You still has a hard time with himself. Besides being handsome, he is very prominent, and his understanding is estimated to be moderate. It is not so easy to break through one day.
It is also a big threshold to rise from proficiency level to proficiency level.
Let’s be direct.
"Our tour can be broken today with my hard work and skills!"
"Does it make the skill training card (green) break through the palm of your hand? 」
Please ensure that the skill proficiency is greater than 99%, otherwise there will be a probability of failure, and the game of saving the world will not be responsible.
A man who works hard like him will fail? Give me a break!
It’s very dizzy.
Still familiar with the top of the mountain or familiar with the smooth platform, unlike rolling Lei Yun, Lei Yun seems to be a little bit more this time!
Thunder falling roar burst eardrums The thin figure on the top of the mountain was swaying in the thunder, but it never fell down.
one hour
Two hours
Three hours
It may be three days, three nights and three months.
In a trance, I don’t know how long it has passed. There is no concept of thunder here.
The thunder body has become more familiar than before, as if the thunder is a part of the body and locks the life energy, and the thunder in his palm is released without money.
Maybe hundreds of times, thousands of times or more
When Fang swam back to his familiar living room, he could still raise his hand and stab him, and a ray came out
The wall is smoking.
"… grass!"
Fang You sat for more than an hour before he gradually recovered from his physical strength, life energy and the most important mental state.

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