上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 蒲友网 Even some people are willing to take money in exchange for these vegetables and so on.

Even some people are willing to take money in exchange for these vegetables and so on.

But there is still a small rubbing person who is reckless at all.
Not only did they pick their vegetables, but they also stole their chickens and ducks, and there were many white fat pigs. Eventually, the director of the welfare home should have been ill, and the old man finally fainted with anger.
If you are younger, you just need to have a short rest.
But if the age is not as dizzy as the so-called fighters, it will be a catastrophe. All this dean is paralyzed and generally becomes a "unconscious" vegetable.
Anger and anger are always repeated, mainly because she has reached a certain level and can’t stand such a big blow and stimulation.
She also defended herself against some thieves and quietly guarded her territory.
Call the police?
The whole Xijiang province has not yet formed that very normal situation.
At present, the effect of police calls will be very poor
If we can get help from the fighters association, but they don’t know where the fighters association is.
In particular, many martial arts associations have gone to other provincial health bases.
Many people also want to stay in the places where they were born when they are away from their hometown. This is not only the so-called martial arts realm, but also a self-protection trip.
And this girl wants to ask the dragon god for help, hoping to save her grandmother.
Not only that, but she also hopes to become a powerful fighter, so that she can protect her mother-in-law, but also protect her brothers and sisters and many other family members.
And this girl’s name is Lan Tingting, which is very common and simple.
Why does she want to be a fighter?
The reason is simple, because many welfare homes receive donations from some fighters, and these fighters have a high status.
Then Lan Tingting wants to make herself a fighter, and even talk about him then has enough confidence.
You can even protect your family.
Is this girl in a bad situation?
Naturally, it’s very sad and even wronged, but there are more people who may be more wronged and unlucky than her, but only this little girl is so honest.
More importantly, she expects to protect more people.
Is that enough?
actually not
Because of the great strength of Yang Guang’s Buddha, I don’t think this Lan Tingting is a thing in the pool.
So I made a secret deduction for this girl, only to find that her talent has reached a very high level at this moment, so that she is the so-called natural selection.
It’s not as good as Yang Guang’s selection on this day, and natural selection is not the only one.
But what is enough?
After reaching this level, development will not be bad unless there are big problems in these things.
But is it possible?
Yang guang stepped in, so these things can be solved.

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