
The magic scale dragon heart faint feeling bad.
The crow in its mouth pulled out the dagger and pointed it straight to the depths of its throat!
Just now, Gu Qingshan deliberately showed a flaw, so that the crow took the opportunity to avoid the magic scale and directly entered the mouth of the magic scale dragon.
Although there is a stronger Long Lin, it does not belong to the protection scope of Long Lin.
The airflow gathers around the crow like the wind—
"I haven’t been able to do it for a long time."
Crow said, stand up and stab with a sword!
Violent shock and explosion sounded from Longkou!
See many scales of the faucet burst and long blood splashed.
The magic scale dragon suddenly pushed the black dragon and let out a long and tragic howl.
The crow took the opportunity to return to the black dragon.
"It’s so cool. How to call?"
He asked.
The black dragon said, "I’m afraid I’ll go crazy when I receive it. I must deal with it with an irresistible force. Please take care of yourself."
Crow face a grave should be "good"
an instant
The magic scale dragon suddenly burst into angry roar.
"insidious guy, so you can deal with me? I want you to die now! "
It leaps a crazy murder.
Layer after layer of flame ring, it keeps condensing.
The gas is full of restless magic fluctuations.
The black dragon looked more cautious, quietly pulling away from the sky and stabilizing himself.
The magic scale dragon stared at him suddenly mouth way
"You strange dragon, what the hell are you? Spit out a dragon flame, blue, black and red, fight and find Terran to help. Don’t say I despise you, despise you-"
The black dragon’s face changed greatly.
A hundred-meter-wide white fog wrapped the black dragon in it and disappeared directly.
The magic scale dragon is sluggish.
"Strange … I just turned my head and it ran away?" The magic scale dragon murmured
Tens of thousands of miles away
Ramon townlet
A white mist fell from the sky.
The black dragon turned back to Gu Qingshan crow and walked out of the white fog together.
"Why did we suddenly run away?" The crow has no way.
"I released a method to resist power, but I didn’t expect it to release dragon magic." Gu Qingshan said.
He looked at the ares interface and saw a line of fireflies flashing in small print.
"The battle warns you that you have been enchanted by the dragon language."
"Shadow Red Dragon Curses Chaos"

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