
"The master found it!"
Small magic exciting sound echoes in my ears
She showed her real body and grabbed the anchor point of Fang Youshou to shuttle.
The resistance is very strong!
When the little magic spent 22 seconds shuttling through the coordinate area …
It’s as if the mirror is broken and the sound is broken. Tens of thousands of miles and hundreds of thousands of miles of territory are crashing. A dark but faintly visible building world is suddenly stretched out, and the violent form will burst from the outside.
In the dark world, a statue goes beyond the limit, and the evil spirit roars
It’s a fusion of red clothes and white silk, and the clothes are their bodies.
The vast world of the underworld is also cut off by rivers, and the towering buildings collapse. In just two or three seconds, the world of the underworld becomes broken, and the main evil spirits of the secluded family are all hurt
Because there is a real red moon hanging in the sky, he is unhappy, and he angrily throws evil power.
When the red light spread and collapsed, it was distorted. When the tour vaguely saw the symbol of the vast river, the river at the end was also faintly glowing with red light, and some history was disordered.
Red light also contains the most extreme filth, if it is not red, white silk and so on, it is evil or filthy, and their situation will be even worse.
"This is the scarlet moon combined with the great Baal power? Really terrible. "
On the other side of the red moon, the new fire stronghold is located.
Many ancient people have trembled.
With the awakening of the Red Crescent, the whole Red Crescent world is really alive. The ancient people can’t see the real Red Crescent, but they can perceive that there is a great terror rising from a distance, and a roaring tide of filth is coming towards them.
If they really see the red crescent, they are afraid that one eye can’t bear to sink on the spot.
An Jian You Hong Yue has persisted for several rounds.
Fang Youshou’s power is brazen.
Behind him, the nimbus is flowing, and the handles are humming.
Time, life, fire, wood, thunder …
Fang you has been in charge of more than half of the root handle, and he is vaguely aware that the power of the whole universe is converging towards him
Even if part of the handle belongs to his strong man, it will not affect his power
In time, he may be able to grasp the handle and enter a new realm where no one has ever set foot.
But not now.
And even if he is in charge of more than half of the root handle, the normal power is still not the most common evil god, not to mention the’ unit’ evil god like scarlet moon.
Even though he was hurt, he still didn’t digest his evil power.
Restricted storage weapon
The tree of life world contains vitality.
Nirvana Flame Active Nirvana brings increasing power.
Fang You throws one card after another, but it is just the hard support of the scarlet moon.
The ocean of faith is surging more brightly.
But he waited.
Even if his explosive strength is sublimated to the utmost, it will not be enough to kill Scarlet Moon. Even if he can kill the world, his evil power will not be cut off.

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