
In front of a chess room in Jiangnan District
Brother Xiao walked into the room with one hand in his pocket and a pigtail behind his head in a sheepskin coat.
Behind a counter, Han asked with a smile, "Come and play? Sit at a table or play in your own room? "
"I’m looking for Miao" owl elder brother turned to look around and replied.
"And you are?"
"I’m his friend. Just ask him to come to my box. I’ll give him some money when I play cards." Brother Xiao replied with a smile.
"Okay, I’ll take you to the box first."
a few minutes later
Brother Xiao looks sleepy with a dirty mahjong in his right hand and a cigarette in his mouth.
A door creaked and was dragged from the outside. A young man with a shaved head shouted with a big smile, "Who wants to see me …?"
Before the words were finished, the hijab guy saw Brother Xiao and froze on the spot. "You … why are you here?"
Brother Xiao smiled at him without saying anything, but two brothers beside him stepped forward and rushed to the door, and the young man pulled in and pushed the door directly.
"What about the payment?" Owl elder brother sit asked.
"I didn’t get the goods. What do you want with me?" Xiaomiao stalked his neck and said, "If you want money, go to Dajun!"
"Did you introduce me to Dajun?" Owl elder brother ask again
"I introduced you, but the business is that you two have a ball with me!" Miao Miao’s tone is outrageous. He stretched out his hand and pushed the strong man on the right side and walked to the front of Xiao Ge to sit down. "I heard that Dajun got into trouble and ran away. It is estimated that he won’t be able to give you the payment for a while."
"Ha ha black me?" Owl elder brother rictus asked.
"To tell you the truth, I also want to help you get the money out so that you can get your share of the benefits, but Dajun ran away. Then I have a chicken feather method? !” Miao Miao curled his big mouth and looked at Xiao Ge fiercely and said, "Hey, otherwise, you should ask Dajun’s boss for money. That little Jiangnan area is very famous and rich … Hehe, but I’m afraid people will ignore you."
"Black me and scare me?"
"I said it …"
Before Miao Miao could finish, Brother Xiao raised his leg and kicked his chest.
Miao Miao fell on his back with his chair. "Fuck!"
"don’t move"
"I told you not to move."
The two strong men moved forward neatly and pressed the seedlings dirty.
Brother Owl slowly got up and squatted next to Miao Miao and shouted "Open your mouth" with two mahjong in his hand.
"You are special …!" The seedlings struggled violently.
Two Han reached out and broke off the small seedling shell and abruptly buckled his mouth.
Owl elder brother put two mahjong pieces into Miao Miao’s mouth before slowly getting up, frowning slightly, lifting his right foot and suddenly stamping it.
"Bang, bang, bang …!"
A burst of broken teeth sounded, and Miao Miao’s nostrils bled, just struggling. Two strong men rolled around in pain.
Brother Owl bowed his head and glanced at the other party’s words and said succinctly, "You told that the gentleman who dared to hack my money has not yet been born. When I give him three days, he will not ask me to return the money. I will let you eat the leftover mahjong while singing."
Say that finish owl elder brother stepped to the door stretched out his hand and pulled the door.
Outside, seven Han people gathered around.
Brother Xiao put his hand in his pocket and let two friends directly hit the clothes behind him. He shouted at everyone without changing color, "Get out!"

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