Simply rely on the moon god to become attached.

Of course, this can’t be said.
"What else?" Wang Mu pretended that I arranged "You hold Aoqing, I am you, and you must want to use these people to deal with those people behind them. You have Gu Yuqing, and now that you have Aoqing, you must want to benefit Gu Yuqing."
"I thought you might be the kind of person who finds his identity to trick her."
"I just got the news of Gu Yuqing."
This statement is purely an afterthought.
At that time, Wang Muke couldn’t infer the ethereal flocculant just going to find Gu Yuqing.
Really? There are some things that can’t be understood. There is only one explanation, so she can believe it.
Dimly discernible flocculant held out his hand trembling, pointing to Wang Mu.
"So you deliberately guide me to the plan …"
Oh, that’s accidental, too
After all, I didn’t know at that time whether you were misty or luna said.
Dimly discernible flocculant thought that the eyes gradually darkened and her expression was gentle. She seemed to have a soul sound vibration.
"Come out!"
For a second, it’s like a feeling between heaven and man. Gu Yuqing is towering with a virtual reality, and there is a ghost and an alien like a yuan god.
It looks very attractive.
"Kill him!" Dimly discernible flocculant pointed to Wang Mu "or you have to die!"
Fall into silence in the air
A moment later, Gu Yuqing shook his head slowly, and the ghost suddenly gave a complete roar.
It was the annihilation of the demon consciousness.
"How?" Dimly discernible flocculant zheng.
"He is not controlled by you all day …" Gu Yuqing whispered, "Have you forgotten who advised me at the beginning? How can I be controlled by you? "
Wang Mu looked at it and knew that the ethereal flocculant had lost a few minutes.
"You day demon failed so many times …" Wang Mu strange way "this failure is nothing for you? You’ve only been back and forth for a few years. "
At the beginning, An Qixiu didn’t know how many years of fighting.
What’s in this?
Is it not a failure? So driven out of my mind?
On the contrary, Wang Mu is somewhat unable to understand the ethereal flocculant state at this time.
His own blow was a little hard for her to accept, but that’s all.
For the once demon king Di Chen, it was just a short time to recover a small setback.
I didn’t expect … The blow seems to be quite big?
You!’ Faint flocculant shake hands into a fist.
She suddenly looked at the other side of the desert.
At this time, the desert has put away the fire and looked at this side coldly.
"What a drama" He glanced sideways. "I didn’t expect the world to see such a wonderful scene. It’s a pity … you two don’t necessarily care about me."
He recovered somewhat.
"The broken rules are too low for you to fix after all."
Qianmo light way "I think you can put hostilities …"
"After all, everyone will die."
The karma is to finish each other first.

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