上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 广州品茶网 A flying boat with Ling’s five people flew rapidly for half a year, and finally it was going to be close to the Sanxian Cave Sky Passage Kai place.

A flying boat with Ling’s five people flew rapidly for half a year, and finally it was going to be close to the Sanxian Cave Sky Passage Kai place.

At first, people were still scarce, and it often took ten days to meet one or two people, but the closer we got to Sanxian Cave, the more people we met, and sometimes we could see several people, even a dozen or twenty people, in one day.
Don’t think that this person rarely needs to know that these people are mostly monks in the construction period. Even the probability of meeting monks in the construction period is so high. It can be seen that there are many people who come here to prepare for entering Sanxian Cave.
During the practice period, it is difficult for monks to get in touch with this level. Even if they know when it will be in Sanxian Cave, they can look at the ocean and sigh because the strength does not allow it.
There is an irregular island with a length and width of more than ten miles away from the Sanxian Cave Sky Passage, which is where the monks are stationed.
Because it is close to the Three Immortals, it is called Tongtian Island.
Tongtian Island is very close to the northern ice sheet. There are few monks in this activity. Only every 300 years, when Sanxian Cave is revealed, a large number of monks gather from all parts of the North Sea to cultivate immortals, making the island, which has been desolate for 300 years, popular again.
By the time Ling’s speedboat arrived at Tongtian Island, a large number of monks had gathered on the island, and the lowest one had just built a foundation, while the strongest one was the monk in the later period of the accumulated years.
Although these real people can’t get into Sanxian Cave, they will still come here whenever it is in Sanxian Cave.
First, large and medium-sized forces escorted his younger brother Ann here, then the elders. They also shouldered the responsibility of bringing back the treasures that his younger brother had brought out of Sanxian Cave.
Second, I came here to take a chance. Then there are real people. These people are both Sanxiu and elders of the clan family.
Didn’t you say that you have to have a friar in the construction period to enter Sanxian Cave? What, then real people can come here to rub their chances?
The reason is simple. Although they can’t get into Sanxian Cave, those who come out of Sanxian Cave can get a chance.
The good thing about the situation is that barter came out from Sanxian Cave. Although the monks suffered some losses during the foundation period, it was relatively fair.
But if the situation is not good, it is not impossible to meet that kind of fierce crime, then it is not impossible for real people to kill and seize the treasure.
That’s why whenever some powerful forces send an elder then to guard against the monks in the foundation period, or is it the second and most important thing to guard against those real people then?
Of course, these elders then have transformed themselves into murderous and vicious people.
Those who have powerful backers, monks in the foundation period, and so on, practice small forces and elders, while the vulnerable groups are the targets of plunder and the most difficult people.
The cultivation resources they obtained from Sanxian Cave’s narrow escape are all kinds of treasures, which can’t really be regarded as themselves until they leave this sea area, because they may be taken away by a real person at any time.
Although there are many monks in Tongtian Island, they are divided into Wei and Jin Dynasties.
Those powerful forces, such as the five factions, Cang Feng, Yan Shi, Fu Mo Zhen, and so on, sent people here to set up their headquarters several years ago.
Time and time again, the location of the small-scale power monks in Sanxian Cave Apocalypse has been changing constantly, but these power stations have rarely changed there
From a high glance, you will find that good places are the headquarters of powerful forces.
When Ling’s flying boat entered the waters near Tongtian Island, Ling Yuansheng yearned for her own breath to let others know that there was a real person in the middle of the Golden elixir.
This is to reduce unnecessary troubles. At least, after he did this, the monks in the construction period would not be long-sighted to pick things up.
Ling’s flying boat from the Godsworn in the Foundation Period attracted Fang Yizhong, the Godsworn in the Foundation Period, who exclaimed that they had come early. Those real people then glanced a few times and then withdrew their eyes.
Ling Yuansheng took control of the flying boat and turned a big circle around Tongtian Island, and finally found a fairly good place by avoiding those powerful forces.
It’s better for monks to come early to the foundation period to occupy the place than for Ling’s. If Ling Yuansheng comes to grab it, no one will say anything, but he doesn’t want to come here much. It’s for the sake of Sanxian Cave, not for bullying and shaking the Ling family down a peg or two.
Six people fell to the ground and Ling Yuan took the flying boat and looked around. "Let’s stay here before the apocalypse in Sanxian Cave."
Later, more and more monks came to Tongtian Island.
Monks who practice small forces also know that their weak islands are constantly moving around, or they are attached to powerful forces, but they are still practicing small forces and small forces.
After all, in a team, there is not much difference between each other’s strengths, and each team has a basic equal discourse. If you take refuge in powerful forces, you will first be lower than others, and then you will talk about having equal discourse to get treasures and then get equal.
Time went by little by little, and March passed quickly.
There are more and more monks coming to Tongtian Island, which means that it is about to start in Sanxian Cave.
On this day, Tongtian Island suddenly became disordered in the sky more than ten miles away from the north. Then the real person first noticed that it was not long before even the monks in the construction period felt that something was wrong.
Seeing this scene, everyone will enter the Sanxian Cave Sky Passage for a few days, and everyone will be excited and waiting for that moment.
On the second day, the disorder in the north of Tongtian Island suddenly appeared, and there seemed to be a flash in the depths of Xiaguang, which connected the gate somewhere and was slowly hitting.
The speed of the light door is extremely slow, but it is difficult for everyone to restrain their excitement when they see the door.
Before the skylight gate leading to Sanxian Cave was finished, the friar of Tongtian Island had already gathered at the skylight gate, and the sea was watching the skylight gate.

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