上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 广州98场推荐 The vast world force is like a soldier, and his orders are closely arranged.

The vast world force is like a soldier, and his orders are closely arranged.

He will
World force soldier
Black knife refers to humming immortal will into it.
He cut out a knife with extreme knife meaning.
World knife
This cross-thousand-fold beheaded a high-ranking evil body.
Followed by the second knife, the third knife and the fourth knife …
The black knife has no difficulty in manipulating the world power.
This is not much more difficult than his adjustment of the army strength.
Jianhe, monster hunter, Chiyang, Fort, Oasis …
This moment qi qi moves to blow all the high-level paradoxes into the nine deep and remote underground.
Fang’s tutor threw conan the destroyer’s thunder with the hands of the master, and easily harvested one statue after another from the suppressed high position.
The whole process is as simple as eating and drinking water.
Blink of an eye, the sky will fall and it will be over.
Out of the fog, a small part of the body came out of the sky, and the fortress of the world disappeared again.
A little while
Around the surge of fog and fog, the mysterious tide has been filled again.
The scale is not much worse than before, and the evil frenzy continues to impact the burning city with terrible potential.
But at this time, not many people will set their eyes on the’ horrible’ frenzy.
Promotion robbery?
Evil frenzy?
Right here?
I always think it’s a little pitiful that these evil spirits are constantly charging towards the city. What’s going on?
"I, yao should feel paradox evil poor! I must be silly. "
A myth’s face is still stunned.
What did he just see?
Is it really not an illusion that he saw it?
"Five high-ranking evil spirits were simply cleaned up?"
"Isn’t this an evil waiter secretly playing tricks to launch a fatal impact on the burning city?"
Is this fatal?
It’s really fatal to high-ranking evil spirits
They haven’t appeared for a while yet, and they are directly smashed by thunder.
But if they were in the Seven Star Alliance and Gu Yue Dynasty, they ran into this battle when they were promoted, even if they could keep the city, they would suffer heavy losses.
Before they can hold on to the broken sea, they already have several nine-level oases.
What about the falling star? Just one!
"Is this the real power of the firewood organization?"
"More than three high positions!"
"This is waiting for power!"
Then there was no sign of the evil waiter all day, and there was no great danger
Oh, there’s a statue of a lonely and high-ranking devil outside the city
Wait, when can high-ranking cunning and evil be prefixed with’ being alone’?
However, the emergence of high-ranking evil spirits outside the burning city was really a single moment, and it was bullied by many strong human beings and died very peacefully.
There have been more than ten times in the city, and the most difficult one is that several stars have poured out in unison.
And then there was no then.
Outside the city, there is no high-level paradox, and the myth war, high-level simultaneous moves will erase the city’s paradox in an instant.
There were no casualties in the whole process except for some building losses.
It seems …
The guarding city battle lasted for three days and nights, and no soldiers were killed in the whole firewood organization?
Is it so outrageous?
Myths recall
The battlefield of the city is swept away by myths, and the vitality of myths is strong. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to die if it is attacked by sneak attacks.
The evil tide outside the city was harvested one after another, which could not threaten the defenders of the city wall at all.
It seems that the casualties of Cheng people are not very outrageous?
….. A ghost ╯‵□’ ╯╩┻┻!
Oh, there are casualties
One of the six senses, who seems to be mentally unstable, was hit by filth, causing the body to pile up, pollute and alienate and die.
The dark cloud that enveloped that sky in a peaceful atmosphere gradually recede.
Rays of golden sunshine shone on the earth.
This means that the promotion robbery is over
The earth hummed and trembled, and the oasis boundary expanded inch by inch at a speed visible to the naked eye, purifying the decaying land covered with ash and fog.
Although at this time, the wave of evil is still hitting the city.
The roar of gunfire outside the city still rings from time to time.

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