上海龙凤419,夜上海论坛 ,爱上海419论坛,上海后花园 广州品茶网 But when people are at the height of the storm, great sages have arrived at the oasis of burning fire.

But when people are at the height of the storm, great sages have arrived at the oasis of burning fire.

Bai Yao sage! Moon watcher! Jin Huixian!
Three sages join hands!
The sage of the North Wind in the Winter Empire also arrived in the form of the incarnation of the North Wind and sent blessings to the Winter Queen.
The law of heaven enveloped the burning city and cast thousands of scenes.
Both ordinary people and myths in the city look up at the sky, and a face has been shocked for a long time.
What I have seen in Burning City these days is really shocking!
Come on!
"So this is the ninth sage!"
"It turns out that this is the hegemonic power such as Gu Yue and Honglian!"
"We humans are not weak!"
The disaster scene of the evil gods is particularly terrible, but the celestial phenomena caused by the sages are not inferior.
Most myths are also the first time to see sages coming, and their blood is boiling and their hearts are burning.
This is also the eye of sages such as Bai Yao.
Visiting the fire in person not only shows their importance, but also takes this opportunity to show their strength and build confidence in human forces in all fields.
After all, in the past, sages rarely showed up than kept a low profile.
But the sage always keeps a low profile so as not to attract the attention of the evil waiter.
Nowadays, high-profile people take the opportunity to boost the morale and belief of the human camp because they can avoid it.
"We also have similar ideas to prepare for the promotion to the oasis of burning fire after a while."
"Promotion to Grade Nine Oasis"
Teacher Fang added a sentence
The accumulation of burning oasis has already reached its peak, and it can be promoted at any time.
If he didn’t get promoted before, he might just catch up with the tide of disaster. Once the tide of disaster comes, the promotion of the oasis will probably encounter several times the frenzy of evil spirits in normal times, and the high-ranking evil spirits are more likely to attract the attention of the evil spirits.
At that time, the burning city will be attacked by dozens or dozens of high-level individuals. The instructor of the attacking party was so confident that he didn’t dare to do so.
Now that the tide of disaster has ended, it is a suitable period for promotion.
"Public promotion? Is this too dangerous? " Bai Yao sage couldn’t help saying
"We were prepared."
Those who travel in vain worry about the problem
Oasis is faced with promotion robbery, which requires unity of mind and oasis strength, but if there are too many outsiders in oasis, it may affect the layout of oasis defense line and the deployment of soldiers
If the promotion department goes wrong, it is more likely to lead to the collapse of the whole line of defense.
A thousand miles of embankment will also collapse in the ant nest.
When the hegemonic forces were promoted to the nine-level oasis, they also found a few mythical and demigod foreign aid bases. They did not hire ordinary mercenaries because they were afraid of affecting military discipline.
No hegemonic power has ever done the promotion process of Gongjiu Oasis for outsiders’ reference.
Hegemonic forces dare not do it
Even the Winter Empire sorted out and sold some graphic information.
The instructor of the promotion party of Burning Fire City has its own considerations.
The city of burning fire is a commercial mega-city burning fire oasis. Most of the blue stars and people are awakening people who have settled here from outside and some ordinary people who have been rescued and moved from small oases.
This nature determines that the burning city will receive several attentions when it is promoted.
Unless he temporarily dismissed the informal residents of the oasis.
This is impossible and unnecessary.
In this case, you might as well build some high platforms for guests from all sides to observe and learn when you are promoted.
The Chamber of Commerce for Burning Fires has rich experience in this field.
Previously, resisting the evil tide again and again was a lot of situations outside the oasis.
And promotion can also bring some extra benefits to the salary …
"If necessary, we can help."
Bai Yao sage is like this.
Fang Mentor nodded slightly.
However, it is impossible to ask foreign aid to hire a ninth overseas aid worker. They don’t need it either.
It’s a pity that Bai Yaoxian touched his beard.
He wanted to make extra money.
However, the organizational strength of firewood is really enough to survive the promotion robbery on its own.
If you can’t do it, no hegemonic power can do it.
When the time comes, the Seven Star Alliance can also observe and learn from some means of the firewood organization … I heard that the firewood organization has cutting-edge sophisticated crystal gun technology.

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